Journey to the Center of the Body - Week Four

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By Joey De La Cruz

T-120: Thursday, June 11

Well, I did my morning yoga routine, that is all today. Worked hard on my acting work, but today will be considered our rest day. Going now to study up on my soon to begin meditation classes. The journey to the center of the body continues, this evening, it will be the mental/emotional/spiritual body. Equally, important. So, tomorrow morning, we hit the abs and the legs HARD!

T-119: Friday, June 12

We did indeed hit it hard today. 40-minutes of abs followed by legs. Lots of sweat. It felt great, feeling a sensation by my ears, like a clearing, a pressure difference, I think that might be from the heart pumping more blood throughout the body, the legs I can feel are getting stronger, so are my anaerobic abilities. Was able to work through the routine with less fatigue than I would have been able a few weeks ago that’s for sure. Feeling stronger and taking it upon myself to do my own ab routine. We worked hard today, and it makes me feel good that we followed through with our intentions from yesterday. I’m done working out today, crushed it. Day T-119, in the books!

T-118: Saturday, June 13

I did 100 decline push-ups. And also kissed a girl. A first kiss, on the lips and then on the third eye of the forehead. Held her, talked about how we were feeling.

T-117: Sunday, June 14

Didn’t do a thing of ‘physical workout’ exercise, but held a beautiful girl tight, kissed, had dinner. Salmon. I was nervous, I hadn’t touched a girl like that in so long. Being so close to each other, here we go on a journey into the center of my sexual body, one that has been dormant for six plus months. Holding hands, holding my body next to hers. Feeling the warmth of another person aroused many memories of past, present and future. I took deep breaths and did my best to stay right there, in the present moment. In a state of discovery, looking into her eyes, touching her soft skin, and allowing myself to be touched. A slow undressing, skin on skin, there’s nothing quite like a new romance, one that builds steadily, one that shares the beautiful energies of two people that just are effortlessly and magnetically drawn to each other.  This is a special journey, as it takes place with another, a sharing of yourself and a revealing of yourself, one that can be scary and surprising and new and special, a vulnerable touch that bring forth a sigh from the lips, a moan from deep within and the rising sexual energy of from the depths of your being. This portion of the journey deserves special attention.

T-116: Monday, June 15

Back in the theater, worked hard from the morning until 4pm. Exploring the creative aspects of the inner creative body. That evening, got in bed with a beautiful spirit, a woman who feels so good, she made me feel good too. The first time in a year I’ve felt the warmth of another person, we got naked, we felt each other up and down.

T-115: Tuesday, June 16

Today we had some really powerful learning moments in the creative space of the creative body at Beverly Hills Playhouse with mama Clarisse. Then at home we completed a 40 min yoga ab workout. I am easily able to jump to the front and back of the mat now, which was difficult just a month ago, noticeable progress. My body keeps calling for it, it wants it, we are beginning to craze and crave the burn, this routine has gotten easier since I first began, more noticeable progress. I enjoy the full body duration and hold of the core workout in this series and want to keep incorporating that down the road. I think that’s our day, got our sweat on, we will plan for a nice hard work out or run maybe early in the AM, full tilt, fastest 1.5 mile possible. As for that, T-115, in the books.

T-114: Wednesday, June 17

Feeling my internal energetic body like crazy. A portal has been opened. I am now connected to another. We feel each other at a distance. Butterflies in my stomach, a strange surge of energy as our bodies radiate outside of our physical boundaries. This feeling has become hyper amplified since we met, since we kissed, since we shared of each other. The universe put us together, neighbors across the hall, kindred spirits, the feeling we share when we are up close to each other is as if a magnet has united two halves of a whole...

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Joseph De La Cruz